WTB: BMW E30 black interior

mid 80s 2 door e30…

Looking for black front door panels with no non-factory mods, Recaro sport seats in good condition (vinyl or leather), kick panels, rear seat preferrably with arm rests, rear deck. Will also take good condition factory carpet (charcoal).

I don’t come here often, so please shoot a message back to graphicrage(at)yahoo.com if you have anything I’m looking for.

Good luck.


those would be better choices to find something.

Yeah, I actually just saw that one on r3v I’m going after as we speak. :slight_smile:

Hope it works out, Good cond. black interiors like that are hard to come by.

i have a rear deck. its grey or charcoal or something. you could paint it and it would look new (thats what a lot of e30’ers end up doing). ten bucks.

Yeah, I’m noticing. There was a real nice 325is for sale on craigslist not too long ago in Rochester with a realllllly nice black interior for $2k, and I wish I had bought the car in retrospect. It was an auto though so I didn’t inquire about it.

Is the grey/charcoal it’s original color? It’s a carpeted deck, right? If so, that’s actually the color I’m looking for, I don’t think they came in black.

what year is the car? the speaker deck changed, i have an early one in my garage

I have everything but the front seats in black. Im not local though but I can ship if needed.

Door panels, rear panels, and rear seat.

how much for that shit?

God damn it… I’m looking for a black interior now too :frowning: I can’t do this competition!

Looks like Tan interior for me :frowning:

looking for $200+ shipping B/O

yah its the stock color, its just faded

Looks like I’m driving to PA tomorrow to pick up a complete leather interior… thanks for the offers everyone. If I still need something, I’ll get back…

baller. how much

$500. Just got my annual bonus from work. :present:

Seats need some reconditioning/cleaning, but there’s no tears and it’s got unmolested front door panels and kick panels, so that works for me.

BTW, I’ve still never seen you on the west side, and I have a house right down by La Nova! (it’s empty now though, moved to cheektovegas, tired of gunshots outside my window and wanted a garage for the baur)

yeah I dont live on that part of w. ferry lol. I’m on ashland. dd a black e34, dropped, on stockers now but sits on throwing stars in the warm weather

Well, thats why I’ve never seen you then, was looking for your wagon…

Yeah, been trying to sell the house for a while. Had it sold and the buyer lost their financing 2 days before close. There’s an e30 floating down that way but it’s a grey 4 door and in not looking so hot!