WTB: Brake Master Cylinder for S13 (non ABS)

Hey guys I need a brake master cylinder for my S13, it doesn’t have ABS . Please respond quick I have no brakes Im on a downhill and the light s are turning red! lol… No seriously I need one quick!

Sure you don’t have holes in your lines?

How’s the pedal pressure?

No I had a hole in the line and the line is now replaced but because I was rushing to do things and I was doing a half ass job I managed to damage the master cylinder. At least the part where the line hooks up to it.

Your luck is starting to rub off on me, Gautam me and you should start a project car together it would be the biggest disaster lol.

hahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahah soooo true

You see, my problems weren’t a result of doing a ‘half-assed’ job. :o

Okay so who’s got one?..Come on, come on I need it ASAP damn it!

I could buy a rebuilt one for $60.00 but why spent this kind of money especially if I will be throwing all that crap out during my SR swap this winter. I will probably be doing the 300zx brake upgrade so i don’t want to put big money into crap that I will not be using for long.

i got the JDM one here…very low kms…i know people who have used this before and it works fine …Koz was one of them i think.

$60.00 for a rebuilt on ?

Thats weird… I just paid like $25 with tax (whole sale thou) but even list was only like $47 I think for a Brand New one…

For a Brake Master Cylinder unit?


For a Brake Master Cylinder unit?


Why can’t you just get one off of Varun? It’s JDM TYTE too.

^ I might do that Im just waiting for a answer from one of my friends, he sais he might have one and if he does it’s free. (no one will beat that price…unless they want to give me the part plus money lol).

I thought you could get cheap parts through your dealership?

Might as well upgrade to a z32 setup all around since you’re at it.

Yeah I can but I don’t want to buy a new one I’d rather get a used one for like $20.00 but im having a hard time finding a used one for a desent price, I don’t want to spend big money on something that I will throw away in a few months when I get my 300zx brake upgrade.

Brake line is fixed and Brake master Cylinder replaced!

And thanks to NIZZTEX :thumleft: for the


You’re Greek, yet you come off as an east-Indian.

I mean who else waits until they get a free under-engine liner, and now
a free brake master cylinder.

Unless Greeks are just as cheap as east-Indians. :rofl: :dunno:


:lol: Sometimes good things come to those who wait :lol:

With us Greeks it’s all about connections you know " You do for me I do for you"
I have gaven enough business to Amo at Nizztex plus I have refered so many people to him who have became regular customer so it’s about time he showed a little appreciation.

And some Greeks tend to be cheap but we can’t compete with east indians and I say that out of experience, I have dealt with many, many east indians especialy at work. The most unforgettable experience one time at work:

After spending 4 and a half hours and 2 test drives with an east indian and the rest of his family all in one little office negotiating a the price of a car (I can’t remember but I think it was one of those tipical east indian cars it was either an accord or corola).
They then try to negotiate the $195.00 administration fee to $120.00
After one hour and the rest of the staff including my boss trying to explain that the administration fee is a non negotiable fee they are finaly ready to do the deal.
All of the sudden he stops and sais: (with indian accent ofcourse)
“Vat is dis?”
“Ten dollar for license fee to transfer my plates?”
“I give you $6.00” as he does the indian head wable thing and mumers something in indian

By this time I had as much as I can take I was ready to kill them I say “NO” $10.00!

He sais “I don’t buy car, I go”
I say “Fine” he and his family get up and leave.
All 6 of them cramp up into their 1988 accord
he then comes back and sais
“Okay I give you $8.00”
I pitched in $2.00 for him just so I can close the deal.

GAUTAM this is a true story my friend. :lol: :rofl:

John, I read all that, and I don’t doubt it. :shock: