wtb: cage for jvc headunit

i guess i dont have mine and my cd player just kinda flops around, and franky, it bothers me, anyone have one laying around from a POS h/u? ill buy u a beer or something

i think i’ve got 2 or 3 diffrent ones in my garage from when i used to work at the one shop …

lol nice lmk

you can use pretty much any cage, they are all the same for the most part, just make sure you get the right keys.

if you go to Stereo Advantage, they can prob help u out. when i worked there, we used to have a HUGE plastic tub of all different cages and whatnot that we could sell to people. if u want, PM gotdubbd and aske him to clarify that.

generally how much did us ell them for

swing by a CC or BB install shop. they generally “sell” cages for $5 new.