Here’s the deal, I need a new car cheap around 5 or 600 don’t really care what it is, as long as it’ll make it to PA and back a few times…don’t care if I get bashed or not, kind of a rough situation

I’m lookin homey .

Shit dude, I woulda given ya the BMW for a few hundred if you posted this up 2 weeks ago, POS was rough but it ran like a champ

Ya well…shit sorta went down the shitter this past weekend sooo I might be sol here soon

If I come across anything bud ill let you know

I got one for $1600.

There’s a cancerous early 90s Accord a few houses up from Williams in Schenectady. Current inspection and its moved every day…I can grab info if interested.

Would be awesome if you could…

Wayne, pretty sure I can’t come up with more cash… If you knew my situation you’d understand, I just don’t want family issues all over the site

n/p homie i get it. i was just throwing it out there.

92 accord, 200k, says runs strong, auto, front tires suck, 900 bo. 320-4843. Probably worth 500.

Come here for a weekend, paint love4boost’s house and maybe he can find you a $300 car in some motel parking lot.


this guy will DEF take $500 if not less


dude if you want to borrow some money from me, let me know man. No need to be ashamed. The best of us go through this shit. I have no problem letting you borrow $400-500 to get yourself something decent and somewhat reliable. You can pay me back tomorrow, next month or in a year. I dont care.


This is a legit good man right here…

i appreciate the offer but i dont feel right borrowing from someone, specially knowing you have a wedding to pay for coming up soon

seriously man, its not a issue. I came into some money with my quad and it wont affect anything that hasto do with my wedding. If you find something you want around the 1k mark and you need some money man, im here. The offer stands now, or a month from now.

the best of us need help through rough times. Money is a object. It can be replaced.

Fluff between drew -yourself and Wayne ya could get the led he offered man . Do it homey . I wish I could be of help but I can’t at this point homey

how I look at it is, we have donated to alot less deserving people (failvis) then Fluffy…