WTB CHEAPEST S-chassis possible!

looking for the cheapest S chassis possible. s13/s14 under $1000 as low as you can go. it has to be in running condition. NOT safety or e-testing it so frames and what not can be crap. let me know what you got with pics.!
closer to sauga the better


have 4 cars, all have crap rails, 2 or 3 of them run, will take considerably less than 1000 for any of them.

bump. I am also looking for a cheap a** s13 …still PM or post up pics. if the rails are even 1/2 decent post em

or, you know, start your own thread? gotta love how his second post is a fuckin’ threadjacking post…



$4500 for r32 with no rust? why not that one… with all the $$$ your gonna end up spending fixing up a rust bucket, and doing a rb20 or sr20 swap… my 2cent.


^^ PS that car isn’t there anymore… or if it is, it’s the one with extensive roof and braking system damage. Just a heads up.


slightly more than 1000 without a few parts.

you sir are an idiot. what part of $1000 or less dont you understand. i never said anything about an SR swap or RBLAG swap. i want to crash it. thats it. must be manual. for the rest of you please read the first paragraph before posting so that there isnt anymore useless posts on my thread.


solid frames and car is running. plus i know the guy will lower the price if you talk to him.

www.r-rex.com under as-is

hey man I just pm’d you about your cars let me know

make your own thread. stay off mine… ^