WTB: Computer Desk

Looking for a decent condition Simple computer desk.

No “L” or “U” desks.

No particular requirements other then not a piece of shit.

Post what you got, where it is, how much, and preferably a pic.


i have on come pick it up and call me.

Oh yea. I think i’ve seen that one. You home?

I have to go find my phone.

i have a small corner desk, shelves under neath. can get pic if interested

yes, the one i bent you over. :hay:

I have a barely used one from Value City. I bought it for $120 or something. It’s nothing special, but it’s pretty nice.


I’ll look for a picture.

Still looking.

No corner or “L” desks, thanks.

yea i remember, but apparently I can’t bend her over that one. Thanks tho.


Got one, all set.
