WTB: Decent computer monitor.

Not 100% sure what I want to do yet, Im thinking 19 +" But Im open to offers. LMK what ya got, thanks


I have a westinghouse 24" LCD with PC, TV and HD inputs.

This one

I used it for a second monitor on my mac and for playing my xbox in 1080p.

If your interested.

Price ?


Hmmm I was thinking like 250 being my limit, I’ll get back to ya on that one, thanks.

Ian… with the photography stuff you do… don’t cheap out. You are better off with a GOOD 17inch… than a shitty 24 inch

Wrd. I’ll have to do my research then I really dont know whats what. You make a good point too because the display on My MBP is pretty decent, It will have to at least match that.

oh, if your using it for photography, you dont want my 24"

Might be a bit of a dated choice. But I have a Cornerstone P1650 21" CRT monitor that I will not be needing soon enough as it would take too much space in my car. Beastly but it’s worked great for 3-D work and such stuff.

Max resolution: 2048 x 1536 @ 75Hz
Dot Pitch: 0.21 mm
Dual VGA inputs
More calibration, and screen settings than you could shake two sticks at.
Might fully be capable of crushing a desk, babies, and dead hookers all at once.

Would be quite cheap if your interested.

CRT’s are usually superior picture quality. At least good ones. But 21" holy huge batman!

Hmm I’ll keep it in mind, I dont have too much space to put an old school monster monitor. Thanks though.

i got an email from newegg for a 23" HD 1080p acer monitor for $179 free shipping.

lemme know and i can fwd u the email

I have no clue if thats any good, but 1080p is a T-up and the price is right on the mark. If you could forward it that would be awesome. sohc3s@yahoo.com. Thanks.

i think its def a good deal. i spent more than that last year for my 22" :frowning:

email sent

Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind, but judging by some things Ive read, the comparable samsung is WAY better, especially in the picture quality dept. which is big for me because of photography, plus its only 10 bucks more. Thanks again though.

i’ve got a 19" NEC flatscreen crt if you are interested, cheap.
looks much better than my samsung lcd, if you dont mind 50+ lbs of monitor…