lol i just checked urban dictionary for swole on hahahhaa.
Nah im not huge, just working my way up Trying to just transform my body. After marriage completely gave up on myself… I hit 290lbs lol… a year and a half later I’m down to 185lbs and 16% bf… goal is 180lbs and <10% bf God willing Just strugglin and workin it
I have a small bench if you’re interested… barely used it since a gym opened downstairs…it’s dissassembled at the moment lemme know…>$40obo for the bench.
If anything what I want ultimately is a nice dumbells bench/stack storing thing… whatever those are called that most gyms have. Would make my dumbells more organized, I keep everything on the floor. Lots of dumbells on the floor = lack of space hah.
So stupid I can’t edit my posts in sale section sorry for multiple posts.
Aight ill prolly come by tomorrow or something, pm me ur cellie, time of availability. I will be working afternoons this week so its going to be early morning hopefully…