WTB: Dumbells + bench press

I need a few dumbells I’m missing: 30lbs x2, 40lbs x2, 55lbs x2, 60lbs x2.

I am also looking for a bench press and hopefully an olympic bar with weights, etc… etc…

Anyone out there? I check kijiji and craigs from time to time but nothing lately.


i have a nice bench press bar with a bunch of weights if your interested


Got your swole on, son.

lol i just checked urban dictionary for swole on hahahhaa.

Nah im not huge, just working my way up :slight_smile: Trying to just transform my body. After marriage completely gave up on myself… I hit 290lbs lol… a year and a half later I’m down to 185lbs and 16% bf… goal is 180lbs and <10% bf God willing :slight_smile: Just strugglin and workin it :wink:

no one :-/

want a set of bowflex selectech dumbbells? they’re adjustable from 5-52.5 lbs each dumbbell.

I have a small bench if you’re interested… barely used it since a gym opened downstairs…it’s dissassembled at the moment lemme know…>$40obo for the bench.

looks like this


exactly like that? if so hells yeah, hook a brother up :slight_smile:

Is the leg extensions part removable? Is there a preacher curls extension attachment available? Just random question about it.

Sorry JLee, not interested in that stuff. I already have 50lbs dumbells, I am looking for the stuff I’m missing in between and heavier stuff.

If anything what I want ultimately is a nice dumbells bench/stack storing thing… whatever those are called that most gyms have. Would make my dumbells more organized, I keep everything on the floor. Lots of dumbells on the floor = lack of space hah.

So stupid I can’t edit my posts in sale section sorry for multiple posts.

Dissassembled- you can have the dumbells/barbell if you would like.
http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/6059/sspx0083.jpg http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/sspx0083.jpg/1/w240.png

http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/2213/sspx0081.jpg http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/sspx0081.jpg/1/w240.png
With leg extension (removable)
http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/1430/sspx0080x.jpg http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/sspx0080x.jpg/1/w240.png
From the side
http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8499/sspx0079.jpg http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/sspx0079.jpg/1/w240.png

Aight ill prolly come by tomorrow or something, pm me ur cellie, time of availability. I will be working afternoons this week so its going to be early morning hopefully…

No response, I didnt get ur cellie, im in sauga right now… i could have picked up…

I pm’ed u my number, lemme know if you’re still interested

ive got a basic bench for sale… no pics right now but name your price! it looks like those other ones just black

hey man, yeah sh khan threw it out (LOL NO!!) I was too late :frowning:

Ah well, err… 40 bux lol?