I lost my old ones somehow…
Pretty sure they got thrown away. If someone has some used stock ones in good shape, or aftermarket camber plates, let me know ASAP.
Otherwise I’m gonna spend the 150 on new ones.
I lost my old ones somehow…
Pretty sure they got thrown away. If someone has some used stock ones in good shape, or aftermarket camber plates, let me know ASAP.
Otherwise I’m gonna spend the 150 on new ones.
Just found em on ebay for 70 shipped, so if no one has em tonight I will order em tomorrow.
Anyone have anything?
if you need random oem parts, lookup the part numbers on realoem.com (E30 is under archive) and post in this thread… I’ve been getting GREAT deals from him.
he ships really fast too.
damn, I just redid my suspension and tossed my old ones.