WTB: Fuel sending unit for s13 (stock)

Not really into paying what the dealers want for this.

Let me know what you have (new or used) with prices.

I just ask that you know for sure if it works with no leaks ot pinholes in the welded nipples up top.



HA yeaaa…i bought mine from the dealer…i had no choice really…it was like 300$ …good luck finding it dont buy from the dealer its a rip !

pm me buddy, I’ll know saturday if I can help you…

Haaa I just got one from the dealer $288 + tax damn rip off for a piece of stamped steel…oh well at least it’s brand new and wont cause any more problems.

Theo, phone up Tanks r Us in etobicoke. They bring in used units from the southern states. Got one from them in June for $150 - mint.