Yeah i know this is a stupid WTB i need 2 of the plastic hinges for the glovebox in S13 small black peices.
i dunno what people would want for these
if anyone has them let me know …
Yeah i know this is a stupid WTB i need 2 of the plastic hinges for the glovebox in S13 small black peices.
i dunno what people would want for these
if anyone has them let me know …
Still looking.
Stillllll looking…its just the small little hinges for the glove box …anyone have a parts car they can just get them for me …its such a stupid part to need noone really cares casue they wont really get money for them 2$? ide like a glovebox installed again thats all lol
hey lucas
i still ahev the one
i definately lost the other one
i can send you the one if you want, may be enought o hold it up in the meantime
Taken care of this one.