WTB good GSR crank

I need a good GSR crank. Has to be mint no scaring or cut journals.
PM or call me 412 969 3440

I have an ITR has some pitting around the flywheel amount but had no effect on the balance or anything like that. in great condition. STORED correctly also. not just sat out in a garage.


not to be picky, but I am looking for a flawless one. I kinda have alot of money in this motor and I dont want to worry about anything.

the crank is flawless it’s been to the machine shop and is in perfect balance.

I am worried about the pitted area. How can it be flawless if its pitted?

this is my little secret… maybe not though:


I’ve bought a ton (ok like a few :stuck_out_tongue: ) of these crank kits for motors i’ve done. Its seriously almost cheaper and a better selling point as a shop owner for the customer. They dont make them for all motors, but the ones they do make are totally worth it. Plus I get a mad discount which helps too. …its a set, so it should come with bearings.

once again

im sure vince

naeh2na has one laying around

pm him

I asked him he has one but he don’t want to sell it

haha thats vince for you :bigthumb: