WTB: GSR Crank pulley

Pulley is no longer for sale

Not at all, thing of it is right now im on a business trip in a different country. So i will not be able to view the item personally. I have already set up for a third party to represent me in this transaction.


are the rims big [check]

Lmao pete!


and in the future kids, never trust a tall giraffe-looking Nigerian for internet transactions.

I will send you a check for 45000 as long as you can ship it out today. Or we can meet up later and I will give you 20 dollars

nigerian??? really???

get a underdrive pulley for the crank. there fairly cheap…i bought one when i owned a GSR…

Unless its an aftermarket unit with a harmonic dampener, then I would definitely not reccomend anything besides oem.

fail. the only crank pulley you should use, as code blue stated is OEM or something like a Fluidampr which is a weighted balancer.