alright, so me and my buddy did my waterpump and timing belt last nite. the guide plate that goes between the crank pulley and the actual gear on the crank shaft just disappeared. we were lookin at it to make sure we would put it on in the right direction, set it down and it was never seen again. we looked for 2 hours for it. i dunno what the hell happened to it. all you guys with the millions of honda/acura parts laying around this is what i m talkin about in this pic.

number 15 in that image. its the same one from a b16 also i found out. at least a newer b16 anyway. dealer cant have it for 2 days and i dont wanna take up my buddy’s garage space longer than what i need to. so hopefully someone has one, let me know! thanks
any different than an LS one? if not, i think i have one you can take.
what year LS and i’ll check the part numbers
The LS one will work, crank snout is the same dimension-wise. That pic is for an OBD-2 car though…OBD1 cars have one of those on each side of the belt.
yeah i was noticing that steve, it just uses more than one of them right? its still the same thing? remember i told ya its always something stupid with my car hahahhaa
was wondering why there was only one…
i have a set. but maybe you better take them both just incase you lose one again.
NOtice in the above pic, the inner belt guide is machined into the belt pulley. On my car (OBD-1 p72) I have two of those belt guides and my crank pulley has no lip on it. See the #15 / 13 /15. That is the OBD1 setup. The lower one has “teeth” on the inner belt guide for the Crank fluctuation sensor that ours doesn’t have