WTB: Inside drivers door handle for a 92 accord 4 door

its been broken for a while (since i bought that car actually) while off roading and hill climbing last night (cackord is fucking strong) i lost the door handle somewhere along the way

new if its cheap, used would be cooler. ive looked at skyway but out of the 10 cb7’s there, none had door handles. its aparently a common problem


u need an inside handle or outside

it says in the title he needs an inside.

nvmd, my gf just texted me, my roomate found it while taking a piss!! thanks sak!!

I have a spare one for a 94-97 but that would not help you. They are pretty cheap on eGay if you haven’t looked there yet. Now that I think about it I might have a tan one for a 90-93, I will look tomorrow.