WTB: Intercooler

Looking to see if anyone has a intercooler local.

I need something no bigger then 31x12x3 2.5" in/out. I would like to keep it as close to those deminsions as possible.

I picked one up off a friend who moved away just to get it off his hands for him… lemme check the dimensions and snap a picture.

Sounds good :thumbup

You can test fit mine if youd like.

I am pretty sure yours is taller then 12". Thats the maximum I can go height wise. Trying not to cut my SiR bumper :tongue

8" or so tall

26x9x3 w 2.5 in/out…make an offer.

$50? I have no idea what to offer.

50 bucks and its yours…the unemployeed are cheap.
