WTB: Koyo Rad. for SR20DET

Post or PM your prices.

New. Or used but in good condition.


If you can’t find a used one you could talk to Phil.

Just PM me… but be warned, pricing has increased on them since I originally started selling them.

Which Phil? You referring to yourself? :dunno:

What’s the going price these days?

PM sent…

update my site and i’l give you a great deal on one…lol


You know as a brown man, I can’t pass up a good deal. Ill see what I can
get done in the month of May as it would be nice it by end of May.

Phil, I got your PM.

I’ll act accordingly in due time.

hm i wonder whos got the better deal. phil or bing.

$400 in stock

or Varun!

I can’t beat that price right now.