You dont want to use MDF in most outdoor atmospeheres. It does NOT like alot of moisture. Even with a “proper” primer/sealant, the fiberboard will still bloat ridiculously badly… within a matter of days.
Direct soaking? Large structural loss in a matter of a couple of hours.
MDF is ideal for indoor use, away from constant moisture. By moisture I mean excessive dampness (near a pool, floor decking in a bathroom, doghouse).
It’s plenty good for kitchen cabinetry or anything drier.
I have plenty of scrap You can play with, but nothing bigger then 10"x10"x.75
Thats why they make MEDEX. its MDF, but with heavy duty outdoor rated glue in the compund. Good stuff :tup: but its like 30 bucks for a 4x8x1/2" sheet. And thats at our prices :bloated: