WTB: LS Short/long block + auto tranny

I have a friend looking for an LS long block with auto tranny And ECU for auto LS. Preferrably OBD-I, but OBD-II is fine.

  1. I’m not going to give you a lot for an LS block and head, they aren’t worth much.

  2. I’m really not going to give you a lot for an auto ls tranny because typically they get trashed or given away.



dont be lazy, check craiglist. tons of ls’s on there!

lazy between my 2 jobs, gf, and rebuilding my auto-x car. I got loads of time. Shit, I just wasted a minute.

yea because i was referring to what you were doing outside of looking for an ls? wow. quit the drama. just look on craigslist.

I think I have the transmission, let me go look