WTB. Marble Madness

how much or if anyone is willing to give it up. i have been wanting this game back so bad for so long. they have a style of it on xbox360 but a lot different and thats what made me want this game again

for what system? i have it for nintendo?

Wii has a version of this, so fun

The box he posted is the Nintendo version.

?? There isn’t a Wii version of the original Marble Madness. Is there any Wii Marble Madness game?

for nintendo but if they have one for wii I would love to get it as well!

pm ur number i got it for nintendo

http://static.moviegallery.com/images/games/boxart/11513.jpg, so much fun


I never beat it though… typically I get stuck at that level where you have to go up… instead of down… farthest I’ve been was to that master level which is just a bunch of little islands

have you ever played the game thats on the xbox360, its something like the actual marble madness but has its own twist to is as well. fun as hell trying to beat each others scores.

UGH. ask jam about when i had fucking marble madness.

i beat that fucking game, tho.

after a bunch of tries you did. right before you beat it was when the madness kicked in hard, it was pretty awesome

i remember going to bed when you were playing one nite then waking up the next morning to you still playing about to go to work… :ham:

fucking madness

I’m still way better at Contra than anyone else in this thread.

I’ve done no deaths several times… and I can guarantee I can beat it now with out the 30 live code

the rear view parts of the game were so fucking hard.

You just duck most of the time… then pop up when you need to…

Very easy

lol 2 amazing games i remember playing the most of!

dan… try me. srsly

and “THE BASES” AS THEY WERE CALLED… not really that hard

the last level always pwns my ass

Game on!