WTB: MicroSD Card

Let me know what you have…




I have no patience. I want it now goddamn it…

u wont find it new, local for that price

Yeah. I was seeing if anyone had anything that they werent using…

Ill probably order that…

iv got one that im not using, let me dig it out and ill give u a price

I have a spare 64MB laying around.

best buy had a deal for like 15 bucks…

damn that is cheap. the 512 that i bought was like $25-$30

lol, 64 mb.

i thoguht i was hot shit back in highschool with an expandable 64 mb chip for my RIO

Do you want miro or mini? ( I had the two mixed up before) I got a 2 gig mini with the adapter to make it a normal SD for $12 on eBay

haha the good ol’ rio…i took the 32 mb out and upgraded to the 2 gig for my chocolate and i am very impressed with it…nothing like storing 400 songs on ur phone.

I have a 1gig micro in my phone now, but it came with a 64mb micro in it, that’s why I have it laying around.


got that…

thanks jeff!
