WTB: Mini fridge

looking to buy a mini fridge sometime soon, just curious to see if anybody has one lying around that they care to part with, of if anybody knows of a good place to get one at a good price.

not looking for anything huge. few feet in height maybe?

lemme know :nerd:

got one its brand new i bought it from walmart less than a year ago i used it for 2 weeks then i stored it since works 110% 50 picked up 60 delivered

this is mine http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62565

nicee…what area do you live in? most likely very interested. i might grab it this weekend

if skunk doesn’t take it i will

ive also got one its a ge nice fridge but i live in dunkirk…


ends in 6hrs: 5 Cu.ft. GE - BLACK.


There are always tons of them on craigslist. I bought one for department at work for $50 (nice stainless finish one) after getting sick of the stupid people leaving shit to rot in the lunch room one. Enough people in my department threw in $10 towards it that I think I actually ended up making money on the deal. :slight_smile:

Try this.

Go to any college on move out day. I saw plently of people tossing them because they didn’t fit in the car.

I have one that i used in college and I have not used it in almost 3yrs only used it from 2 semesters if your interested let me know

my parents have 1 they just bought for my sister it got about 4 monthes on it and its black…pm for details

^^ pm’s sent to both of you

Pmed you back let me know if your interested.