WTB: NES controller

you read it right. i need one original NES controller. that’s it. preferably in good condition, doesn’t matter if it works or not. i need it for a project.


$20 and you can come get your ring…


i’ve got a few sitting in my room. i been saving them for that special night when i get another NES. the only video game system i will ever own.

im also saving a copy of contra… WOOT WOOT


go to a game shack or something?
I picked up two for my mom
she still plays nintendo everday
she plays tetris and mahjong everyday on it…

but yeah. I picked up 2 last summer for 5 bucks each…

$20 says Adam.

:stuck_out_tongue: and i told you to mail that ring like 2 months ago. come on! i want it back.

game shack you say? i’ll have to see if i can find one tomorrow. thanks for the tip.

on a completely unrelated ( :wink: ) topic, does anyone know where to buy the backing piece for a belt buckle? you know, the little loop thing that your belt goes through, with a hook on the other side to go in the hole?

CONTRA best game ever!

^^vv<><>baba gotta love it i bought the game like 4 months ago brought me back.

Brought me back just like looking at this old thread.