WTB: Old 3/4 axis joystick

Jooking for an old joystick that meets the following requirements.

-Old style 15-pin connector
-Has the cord intact and undamaged
-Has to be a 3 or 4 axis joystick
-Does not need to work, infact it would be prefered if it didn’t.

It CAN NOT be USB, must use the older stile 15-pin connector.

hopefully this is for the tercelica somehow.

drive by wire beyatch

Rofl, that would own, but no. Technically I do have the equipement to put a remote throttle on it. :rofl:

But I’m acatully using it to build a crappy oscilloscope. I’m still working out a few details though.

is this for the big airplane? plz say yes.

i have one…used to play Janes fighter plane simulators with it