wtb power streering pump for a sr20 det

well im looking for a power steering pump for a s13 sr20-det motor if you have one or know where i can get one e-mail me at td-civ at msn .com


i believe any non-HICAS KA PS pump will work as well… someone correct me if i’m wrong 'cuz i’m in the same boat.

bump still looking for one

bump still looking

I have one, probably two, so both of you, make an offer

PM me

i got 1 call me 416 828 0922

bump help me out


Yes a none Hicas DOHC pump will work… even a hicas pump will work, you just need to open up the rear section and remove a few things, then plug up the hicas line.

any KA DOHC PS pump will work… you just need to use the SR bracket and not the KA bracket as the holes to connect to the engine are in different locations

I guess you dont need one that bad considering one person gave you an answer as to which other Pump you could use… and another even has 2 in his positions…

How about using HeavyThrottle ? http://www.srownersclub.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=HT&Product_Code=OEM-SRS13-PS&Category_Code=OEMENG

and pay $275.00 USD + shipping for a used SR pump from Japan :lol: