Ok i’ll make this quick and easy, I wanna buy a ps3 pending if I have the cash after buying books and supplies for my classes. I don’t care what size hd and if its backwards compatible or not, it just needs to work, and be in decent condition. If anyone has one in my price range, I will drive as far as an hour from RIT(14623) and put the cash in your hand tonight. Lemme know.

post up, PM, or text at (deleted as thread is completed)

EDIT: Also wouldn’t mind a copy of MGS4 but is in no way necessary

I have one I’ll sell…

have MGS4, Killzone2, Madden 09, Haze… and uhm… something else.
it’s a 40GB w/ 2 controllers.

Not a scratch on it iirc, since… well, it sits there and I hardly play it.
Bought it to use while waiting for a team in WoW or something, but… well, that didn’t work out like I wanted.
and I can’t seem to enjoy console gaming at all.

Lemme dig up prices on them in the past.

btw, I live in Lancaster… so it’s prob right at one hour away.

GTA4 was the other game.
and Bad Company.

Looks like avg price is about $225 w/o any accessories.
Interested in any games or the controller?

2nd edit;
One controller is the one that the game came with.
Then I bought a Dualshock3 controller when it came out (same as normal, except it vibrates)

alright cool, i gotta see what it will cost me for shit for my classes and pending that i will let you know if i can come grab it but the answer is a very probable yes.

I’d be interested in the console, a controller, and mgs4 but if my school stuff is less than expected i will probably take a second controller and maybe another game, i should know by like 8-9-ish tonight