Wtb: Psp

im looking for a used PSP.
it has to be in working order
im not looking to get games with it. just the system and the battery
let me know what you have

You should be spending money on the two dsm’s you have :rofl

PM’d ya

i have 1 never updated so i guess you can hack it or something like that what do you want to pay for one thanks

I have one all hacked out, has orig NES, SNES, SEGA on it. I have a bunch of games to go with it, and a 2gb memory card. Also has a spare extended life battery and a nice protective case for it. All in excellent shape. What are you looking to spend?

sorry for the late replys…i completely forgot about my own thread :Idiots
im looking to spend >$100 and want JUST the hardware and battery.
my buddies psp got screwed up and its partly my fault so im just trying to get a replacement for him.
*all PMs replied.

look on craigslist, theres TONS of psp’s on there
