WTB: Rear sway bar for EG.

Just like the title says, let me know what ya got and I’ll let you know if I’m interested. Also, let me know if you have the endlinks for it and if bushings need to be replaced or not. Thanks.

I have a progress 22mm with endlinks and bushings in good shape for you $65

andy PM pete he’s got 2 itr rear sways.

You’ll need a subframe reinforcement plate for a type r bar on your hatch. don’t risk ripping out your subframe.

Excellent, I think I’ll take it, can you bring it by swerve tomorrow at all? I’ll be there all day…316-8454


I’ll be fine. :wink:

i have a gsr rear sway bar. 20 bucks i need it gone i have no use for it.

Definately want it…whenever you want, come by swerve and drop it off if you can and there will be money here for you if I’m not here. call me if you get a chance 316-8454

Turdblown teg: thanks for the reply, but this one he’s got is pretty much exactly what I’m looking for.

^ Yes I can bring it by tommorrow on my lunch break

I have the exact same setup with my old civic. I love the asr brace.

with hardware and endlinks? and is it rust? id buy it lmk

i guess gsr’s had 14mm sway bars same as ls’s soo if you still want it kevin let me know i have one floating around.

still didnt answer my questions lol. does it have hardware and endlinks? and is it clean?

yeah i have more then one of these lol but the other one i have is an ls and in decent shape. all hardware too

ill take it then if you have everything ill need to bolt it on

kevin, if you wanna see what one of the two he has looks like, swing by the shop, it’s laying around. It’s not too bad, just too small for what I need.

Props to dan for coming through with the quickness!