Looking for a cheap riding lawn mower for the plaza.It will stay outside,so I don’t care how beat up it is.As long as it cuts grass than it’s good.I also have that 91 Caddy or Some fish tanks for bartering power.
—Would consider a nicer mower if it was a great price.
There is a pretty old looking Cub Cadet for sale up the street from me that I saw while walking my dog last night. On Clearfield Dr near Plaza Dr, Williamsville. Right about here:
My parents have a heap of a craftsman lawnmower sitting on the lawn for sale. I’m fairly certain it runs, not too sure if it actaully mows. But if it does, it would be perfect to run over rocks, trim tree roots, and maybe hit a few things in the process too it’s pretty beat.
If your interested PM somedude as he could probably did up more info on it. I couldn’t imagine them wanting much for it.
Well, it looks like someone is either moving in or moving out, so it might be a deal. There is a ton of stuff piled at the curb, and the house looks empty. So it might be a steal.