as title states… ebay ones look like bad quality… do not care for color or material…

I think Varun stocks the Megan racing CF ones. I cant bring myself to pay $200++ for them though. I’m gonna pull the trigger on an eBay one and see how that fits sooner or later.

ya… theyr under $100 shipped, but they look wavey as fuck…

i just brought one up for a guy… but yeah, it was just over $200

ye… eff that… i saw one on son a month or two ago for like 120… carbon fiber brand name… shoulda picked it up…

i have megan ones in stock, you are welcome to come try test fit anytime- they are great bang for the buck…

just picked up mine from bing. really nice quality, no waves or anything. ive bought cheap ones before and even if you pay 100 less, you’re gonna end up throwing it out because it just looks like junk. i ordered it less than a week ago too. :slight_smile:

i got an s13 coupe cf roof spoiler brand new in a bag for 200$ fitment is very good.

pm me if you want it…