WTB: S13 Coupe Trunk Lid and maybe a GT Spoiler

I need an S13 coupe trunk lid. Preferably BLACK in fair condition. But if you have something just let me know.

Also im not very serious on this but if you have a GT style spoiler let me know


Damnit steve, I just scrapped my 240 with a clean trunk lid yesterday because no one wanted it. It should be at Cambridge auto wreckers if you need it, who knows what they’ll ask for it though.

I have a mint black one, 100 bucks.

damn :frowning:

Dylan - i’ll get in contact, pending what the rest of son has to offer, and the wreckers

Its glossy black.

I have a nice CF unit for sale from RD. Let me know if you might be interested.

is RD open tmw, i would be interested in stopping by and looking at a few other things

i have a mint tan trunk if still looking no rust no dents great shape pm me

I have a burgandy trunk with a gt wing already mounted on it
pm me an offer