WTB s14 front lip

Need s14 front lip dont care what color

located in edmonton willing to pay shipping and i have been looking for ever so pm me if u have something and willing to ship.


Zenki or Kouki

Dealer prices; $270/$410 wholesale

need zenki, 270 including shipping?

dealer wholesale…

as in you walk in, say “i work for XYZ we have an account with you, please order me a front spoiler for a 1995 240sx”

“yes sir, it should be in within 2-3 days.”

If you want me to get you one on the wholesale account I use, I’d have to charge you more than $270, and delivery on top. And cash up front.

edit: thought u were somewhere in ontario, didn’t read you live in edmonton.

awsome man thanks for posting up