I know all of you Canadians have got them on your cars! I am stuck with a open diff here in the states so I was hopeing you guys might be able to help me out and hook me up with a locking diff.

I need the whole pumpkin and it has to be non-abs as well so I think that counts out most of your LE models.

I can get a J30 Diff here in NY for $200 that would work but it would be a tight fit due to an extra 3/4’s of an inch from the ABS and it is a lower ratio which would mean slower accel. Before I pick it up I just wanted to see if you guys had any extras laying around that you are willing to sell to me because I would like to keep the same ratio and not have to worry about fitment.

I can spend around $250 for one and I am located in Buffalo, NY. I am willing to travel 3 hours to meet someone or pick it up. Shoot me a PM or feel free to give me a ring on my cell phone: 315-286-9000. Thanks guys! :smiley: