WTB: Shift Boot, Shift Knob

I don’t have a shift boot on my car (the leather bit) and it looks like crap, so I’d like to fix that.

The shift knob I have on the car is one of the allen-key ones, and doesn’t twist on, so it occasionally comes loose, and it messes with my mind. So, I’m pretty much looking for any sort of non-stock shift knob, tell me what you have.

Stuff must be shipped to me unless you’re in London or something, I’d rather not travel 2 hours to get a shift knob…it seems a little excessive.

ebay is your friend on this one i’d say. Lots of choice.

Yeah, I was just seeing if anyone had anything worth buying here first. Shipping will be a lot less, and if someone has something they want to get rid of, might as well help us both out =/.

I found a few on ebay I like.

s15 shifter?


pm me ur email