Looking for Brick Lights/ Conner Lights and Grill
in working condition/ has to be half mint or in okay condition
please pm me
i got one mint corner light $10 and its yours.
I still have both corner lights man.
lmao shutup ronnie
i have a silvia grill. 50 bones
i’ve got the OEM silvia grill, not sure if it’s different then breaker77 but pm if you want it.
thanks i pm you guys… Also looking for a full front end for 500
Brick lights
Conner lights
PM the locations
email me pictures at Mistahshotta@gmail.com or dj_mistahshotta@hotmail.com
Thanks guys!!!
edit looking for mint fenders
Bump need both conner lights and bricket headlights give me a price
i got a gtr silvia grill