WTB, some sort of 15" flat screen monitor for my PC.

I need to make a remote work station for my PC. Working on CAD on a nightly basis and I’d like to be able to relax in the living room away from where the PC itself is located. Space is limited though and I’ve got to make this setup as compact as possible so it’s out of sight/mind when not in use(aka stuffed alongside the couch so wifey doesn’t go banazas on me making a mess :lol)

anyone have anything decent but used lying around? thread title says 15" but 15-19 should be fine

Check on newegg. I got a sick HP 21.5" HD 1080P monitor for $200 a couple weeks ago. I’m sure a basic 15-19" flat screen would go for less than $100.

Just checked out tigerdirect too. found a couple in the 90-110 range which will work :slight_smile: just wanted to see if there was something local I could grab mon-tues.

I have an Acer lying around, it’s nothing fancy for sure, I think it’s 17" but I can double check for you when I get home if you’re just looking for something local and quick.

I have a cheapo 15inch monitor Adam, its even gots integrated speakerz

30 bucks its yours

I can drop it off at hunts if youd like

$30 for a lcd… cheap!

The things been sitting in my basement for 3 years…

its off an old emachines pc my mom used to have


Yeah if you’d want to drop it off @ hunts I’ll paypal you money for it.

let me know.

I have a 15" flatscreen LCD Compaq one…