WTB: Sprint cell phone asap

Looking for a Sprint cell phone as soon as possible. Have cash in hand and will buy today. Must work and have a clean ESN. Let me know the model, what it comes with, and price.

Sprint Instinct comes with just phone and charger. i dont have sprint anymore so you name a starting price. phone is in very good condition

I have a sprint LG LX160 sitting here comes with a charger.

My girlfriend got a girly phone, it is her old one.

Make offer…

llink78 I sent you a pm. JustinH if I don’t get that one from llink I’ll be talking to ya.

He hasn’t returned my PM so anybody else have anything?

i have one but ti’s so old it doens’t do text messages and it’s huge. up to you. scp-7200 i believe.

check pm’s

i have a suuuuper old samsung sph-a620 you can have for free, no charger though

and no text messages. well, you can but its a huge pain in the ass. it is super beat up and the antenna has been chewed by a pug

lmk im in hamburg

Thanks to the above posters for trying to help out. Picked up a phone from Red99GTVert last night. Thanks everybody