WTB: Stereo or Stereo Receiver (for garage)

looking for a decent stereo receiver for the garage this winter or even a “boom box”. My only requirements, that its decent, works good and gets good reception…
not looking for a perfect piece, its gonna get abuse so scratches, knicks and even a ding or 2 are OK, as long as it functions…last requirement…i am NOT looking to spend a lot here…just something cheap.

if its a receiver, a plus would be if it had a sub output…im just going to use the surround speakers i had for sale…i cant take the silence in my garage anymore…i need music!

let me know what you got, and post pics if ya gottem.

i have one, it might be out of the price range though… pm me if interested

Just go to Target / Kmart or WallyWorld and check out their cheap stereos. You won’t care if you get them dirty and they will play your New Kids on the Block tapes fine.

why you gotta tell everyone im borrowing you NKOTB tapes?
ehh…its too late for music. The sound of my knuckles breaking as the wrenches slip and the angle grinder buzzing was music enough. motor is down to the bare block, ready for the machine shop.

i have an old reciver, the volume knob is a bit touchy but other than that the thing works fine, i think it maybe be like 4 channel? not sure, you can ahve it for like $20

make/model? pics?

not sure, its older, ill get more info 2marrow for u

no prob. thanks.

not interested in the onkyo? lol

nah, thanks though. its a great deal, but a bit more than i wanted to spend…+ i wouldnt put that in my garage. tools often fly around. thats why i just wanted something that if i break, i dont give a crap.

my parents have a receiver at home they dont use, it works fine but if you connect 6+ speakers it will short out due to lack of power… if your interested i can snag it tomorrow when i head home. Its an RCA and was used in our garage for our outside the house speaker system… proly cheap like $50

i still have mine for 40 if u want to come pick it up 578-2127 ill give it to u for 35 if u pick it up

^^^ nah, i cant pick it up…its too far :bloated:

i would sell u mine but i used it in my garage tooo