Looking for any and all QuadSport LT230 Parts… Let me know what ya got
Wanna buy a 08 Z400?? :lol Ill sell ya the whole thing ;D
nope… already have 3 quads… I got the LT230 For free… rode it home from the guys house yesterday…
wow old quad havent been on one for awhile good luck bud
used to have one, and i had all the parts but we sold the frame and the box of parts for 200$
that helps me none :
either does flaking out :ohsnap
EDIT: No personal attacks.
woah woah woah, why make threats jerzee guy??
wow i guess no one ever watched Talladega Nights… It was a fuckin movie quote… Nazis
Mods are really bored here, someone goes on a post reporting rampage and every mod that is on here edits/locks/moves anything and everything pertaining to the reported post :ohnoes :rofl