WTB: T3/T4 turbo

Looking for a T3/t4…preferably with a 4 bolt exhaust side…lemme know what you guys got thanks!

GT3076R .82 a/r. . .

Sorry dont have the cash for that turbo…thanks though!

z31 turbo .63 a/r

i doubt it’l work for me but pics please


pic of exhaust side plz…and any idea on the kms?

There is a downpipe on it and I really don’t feel like taking it off.
If you are super interested I will take it off and get some pics.
I don’t know the mileage but there is no shaft play.

How many bolts hold the dp onto the back of the turbo…4 or 5?

7 :o

5 “bolts” and two studs

whoa hahah yea nvm it probly wont work for my setup…thanks though

Ya it won’t work for you. It is a straight t3 and is old (at least 20 years).

i got a r33 rb25 t3
50 bux :lol

but missing some fins
50 obo

…thanks for the offer?