WTB: t3 turbo that needs rebuild

i’m looking for a t3 turbo that needs to be rebuilt…post up what you have

thanks :tup:

y did you get rid of the t28 then? if you are going to boost it

Direct quote from him:
" I think about what I want, not what’s gonna happen"

because i needed an engine and i want a t3 turbo

do you have pics of that t28?

i don’t sorry :frowning:

i pmed that one dude you said you got it from, but he hasnt answered. but in his thread he said it was from an R33, not a 240. Are they the same turbo?

i know its from an R33. i think the sr20det’s used a 28r…i could be wrong though.

i have a ebay t3/t4 dosent need a reabuild but it couldnt hurt lmk

pics? what trim?

it depends what sr. s13 red & black tops use t25, s14 black top use t28.

the r33 turbo is a t28/t3 hybrid.(rb25)
the r32 turbo is a t25/t2 hybrid (rb20)

r33 wastegate is set at 7-9 psi stock


materpowa t3/t4 75 bucks

pics? what trim is it?
