WTB: Text books

Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics, Carter, 1st edition, Prentice Hall.

Concepts of Modern Physics, Beiser, 6th edition McGraw Hill, 2003. ISBN: 0-07-115096-X

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, 8th Edition

if anyone has these and are willing to sell, let me know.


I only have an “Applied Physics” book, sigh I wish I had the one u needed.

me too man…the bookstore prices are absurd and i’ve noticed that alot of members either have or are taking physics / engineering courses, so i figured i may be in luck.

OT: if your taking any other physics and math courses i have some old books if ya need em.

I just graduated, im trying to sell all of mine lol

try valorebooks.com They ussually give pretty good amount back, depending on the book. I know a lot of people that work there and can get you a promotion code for 5 % more if you decide you want to sell any to them. If you go to there site you can type in the ISBN and it will tell you how much you could get. pm me if you want that code.