WTB: Textbooks

My deal for my books fell through so I desperately need these books A.S.A.P.
Arens. CONTEMPORARY ADVERTISING. McGraw-Hill, 2005. ISBN 0072969722.

Williams. SECRET FORMULAS OF THE WIZARD OF ADS. Bard Books, 2002. ISBN 1885167393.

Dusenbury. THEN WE SET HIS HAIR ON FIRE. Portfolio Books, 2005. ISBN 1591840821.

Thinking Mathematically,Custom Edition for Erie Community College
by Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber
The publisher is Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-536-17143-2

what course is the math book for?

Survey of Math MT 112

is it the purple and green one, i took that class, name your price

I have no idea what it looks like. Can you check to see if it is this ISBN? 0-536-17143-2 I keep finding other ones. This one might be new.

ill look whats ur #

I sent you a PM