WTB urgent!!. 5 or more extended studs,slip on spacers

Hey Guys I need tis for one wheel, hence the strnage request.
Yeah I know, I’m trying to work some magic here.

I need:
13mm spacer…im guessing a 10mm and a 3mm slip on? or any combination there of.

5 extended S14 front studs to fit a 13mm spacer.

Please let me know

i have my 10mm spacers, have used 5mm plate spacers and ARP extended studs in stock…

however… doing this on one side is retarded.

Yes very retarded. I agree. I’m on my way to work, is it ok to call around 5?
the number on your site?

i dont give my phone number out… :wink:

ok… then how shall we do business?
Can we take this offline… are you on msn or do you have an email address you check?

lock it up… done and done.