Hey Guys I need tis for one wheel, hence the strnage request.
Yeah I know, I’m trying to work some magic here.
I need:
13mm spacer…im guessing a 10mm and a 3mm slip on? or any combination there of.
5 extended S14 front studs to fit a 13mm spacer.
Please let me know
i have my 10mm spacers, have used 5mm plate spacers and ARP extended studs in stock…
however… doing this on one side is retarded.
Yes very retarded. I agree. I’m on my way to work, is it ok to call around 5?
the number on your site?
i dont give my phone number out… 
ok… then how shall we do business?
Can we take this offline… are you on msn or do you have an email address you check?
lock it up… done and done.