WTB: used PS2

i’m desperatley looking for a PS2, but i’m looking to buy used since i’m short on cash.

if anyone has any leads on one that can be had for cheaper then retail, please let me know. if i get nothing i’ll just buy a new one but i figured i’d check first.



If you end up getting one, buy SOCOM 2

yeah mainly i want to get it for GT4, but i also found out that San Andreas doesn’t come out for PC until like June or some shit, and fuck if i’m waiting that long.

I dont know what your budget is. But you can get those new small PS2’s for under $200.

EDIT: ANND!! you can get GT4 now from most chinese malls. Its in Japanese but you can still play. My buddy at school has it, says its amazing…no surprise.

Pick up a New PS2 Slim for $179.99 or the Normal on for $149.99.

I have a few extra PS2’s but won’t sell them for under $100 so might as well pick one up new.

when did gt4 come out?

it didnt.

you can get pirated copies from overseas from pacific mall

cheaper too

Came out like a week or two ago in Japan.

yeah i probably will end up getting a new one and getting it modded ($150 at pac-mall so it can play burned games), but i’ll leave this up anyways just in case anyone has a cheap one they’re looking to get rid of.

Buy an unmodded one and mod it yourself for like 50 Bucks.

If you need the boot disks, give me a shout.

how do you “mod it yourself”?
any refrence sites which can help?

and also, check out torontocivics.com, I’ve seen alot of PS2’s being sold in the 200 range, but with controllers and games aswell, some even modded.

Ok, ok… to save you the time to google it…



P - mall is a great place to get ps2 games like gt4 =D

is anyone here willing to mod my ps2 for me? i don’t trust myself with small electronics

www.modchip.ca is in manitoba if you want faster shipping.