WTB: Valentine 1 Radar

lookin for a used V1… maybe someone that upgraded, or sold their car and doesnt speed anymore…

Vlad if you still got yours LMK.

i bought his :slight_smile:

If you really don’t want to buy new…here’s your best option:


:rofl this is hilarious, this store on ebay is selling them for $500:


…and calls it ‘One Directional’ :rofl

Yet V1’s own store says:



Fucking clowns :rofl

yeah might just have to buy a new one if i can’t find one for like 300… might aswell go new. :ponder

Yeah definitely, it’s worth it…personally I looked for one for a LONG TIME for a decent price and the lowest I could find was the one I bought, at $355 shipped iirc.

This was shortly after 1.8 came out though, so it was nearly brand new.

They hold their value REALLY REALLY well.

yah i’m not even worried about re-sale, i just didnt want to drop like 400bucks, but i’m real tired of getting pulled over in the beater, and my passport fuckin self-calibrates and beeps all the time, way to annoying to leave on. :angry2

Dude the V1 seriously is the shit.

Youll buy one and never look back.

Just do it, it’s worth it…I mean the first two times, or even once it pays for itself…but you have to learn to use it as a tool, and not just something that beeps at you when a cop is around.

Oh, and program x-band off and always keep it in “A” mode.

It has three different ‘smart’ filter modes “L” for advanced logic, small “L” for logic, and “A” for all, or no filters.

I once got NAILED at 67 in a 45 by a sheriff when I was in logic mode, so i was HEATED because I didnt think he had the radar on because the v1 never made a peep.

So as I’m pulling away I switch it over to “A” and get full strength Ka.

I will never use logic mode again.

X-band off, full ka/k/laser sensitivity, and “A” mode at all times=nice safety buffer.

yeah… i got a ticket last night, after i dropped my buddy who had been drinking off, i was tired and just wanted to get down to my night job in watervliet… 53 in a 30, pissed off.


haha, i need one full time :lol

im still trying to find it, but I remember her saying that they would do a buy option if you like it for a good price…

A dollar short a day too late Swifty =(

I have mine setup exactly like Benny does and I love it, the other day on central ave I got a Niskayuna cop from about 5 miles away. I just crossed 155 on central heading towards Schenectady and I got one weak Ka beep ahead. I kept on driving and kept on getting one weak Ka ahead and I’m looking around telling myself “no way, it’s this far down, where is this guy!?”

I finally found him, just pass the Hess on the left side, sitting next to Langan behind a hill having somebody pulled over. Don’t quote me on it, but it’s about 5 miles away on a straightaway.

I was also in my friends car last night and he had a cheapo detector which was annoying the hell out of me going off every which way on every band.

V1 :thumb

  • Vlad

yah… looks like its gonna be that way, i think i might buy 2… because switching cars with it would get annoying. i need one for each car.

Just hardwire it like I did in my car. When Joe and I switch back and forth between our cars, we just grab the actual radar detector, and don’t have to hassle with the cord and all that.

thats a good idea… :nod

Yeah hardwire both cars…I would find a place to hide it in the civic though.

Cuz, well…it’s a modded honda.

I don’t know how you sleep at night :rofl

jk :tong

its garaged :tong

but i hear ya