wtb voyager

as it says looking for a verizon voyager in new condition let me know if you have one need it asap

I got one, they just replaced the phone last week. but i need something to replace it, i don’t like it personally

interested in a treo?

how much? my gf wants it for x mas.

no thanks for the gf and she wants voyager for what ever reason

how much its for my gf

does the treo have wifi? or do you have to buy verizons internet?

ah man, on Friday that had em on one day sale, 79.99

i just got the voyager like 2 weeks ago
i love the fone

i reccomend you get it

dont wanna shit up the thread
if your interested pm me

they were that cheap without a contract??? im buying it for her for xmas so i gotta buy it outa contract

OT QUESTION: you are buying her a phone thats over a year old for xmas?

That price was with a 2 year contract.

I got mine through ebay, with that live.com search and rebate. Ended up costing me like $150 for a brand new voyager titanium.

theres a few on craigslist that are a month or 2 old. if i can not find one in new condition ill buy a new one.