WTB:walbro 195/255 fuel pump

if anyone has one for sale i need it ASAP my pump in my E30 is going fast…
please call 412-828-6431

i’m pretty sure i have one without the wiring and sock.
IF someone else doesn’t get to you(which there should be plenty based off other post like this), lemme know

I’ve got one, but E30’s aren’t listed in the compatible cars list. If you find out it does in fact fit…35$

hey i need that fuel pump ASAP im sure i can make it fit somehow… BMW wants way to much… i need the little filter with it and the wire… call me 412-828-6431 Eric

If you find a walbro w/o the wires and filter, I have an those if you need them

Eric, I’ll shoot you a ring a little later today…the filter is missing but the wiring is fine…it was in the car (actually matts car) for a week…no idea where the filter went. I’ll take a few bucks off, since i forgot about the filter sock.

ya just let me know im going to have to rig it in my e30