WTB /WFF: 1 month xbox live subscription

My live ran out, I won’t have enough for a year subscription for 2 more weeks, I’m dying to play too.

If anyone has a free month card laying around they aren’t going to use please PM me asap :slight_smile:

you get 3 free months w./ the xbox just make a new name in the mean time.

I used that a long time ago =/
I had the year subscription but it expired too.

ok if you almost have enough for a year y not just spend the $8 on 1 month then when your month is up get the 1 year… if anyone has a month of live in sure they are gunna use it -Karma

People how have a year subscription CAN’T use the one month free, unless they make a new acct which would be pointless for them to do.

I get paid bi weekly, I use my $ to pay bills, not for xbox live. Bills>fun stuff.

yea i pay bills too. your title says WTB/WFF the first part says WANT TO BUY, so if that was the case y not just go buy it on your 360. you could be playing alrdy

I don’t want to use my credit card. I’d rather spend the $5 or whatever in person to get the 1 month. Unless stores still sell those? I’m not sure. Either way I’d rather try to do it this way.

yes go to a ebgames or something. im pretty sure they have xbox love cards, i know iv seed live points there, but the easyest thing to do is just go on your 360 and buy from there

Oh word, maybe i’ll head over there now.
Last time I used my credit card they just dumped a year onto my card after the 1 month I bought.

that sucks, im pretty sure there is a spot on there that you have to unmark that says Reacurring charge

seriously dude - it’s $8. If you’re fiending for it this bad, then it would be worth it!

I hate hate hate using my credit card though lol.

I’ll probably end up doing it tonight. I just figured it’d be worth a shot to try on here first.

Got one, thanks orzech!

yeah no problem

You have MUCH bigger fish to fry. Where’s my $1300?


play me on live

Give me your xbl gamertag and i’ll play you on live :slight_smile:

damn dude, he really screwed that guy over