WTB: Wheels 5x100 Audi/VW

Looking for some wheels/tires for my 02 Jetta. 17inch

PM me if you have any or know of any around. Must be in good condition. :thumbup

Looking for fat fives/Long Beaches specifically.

looking classifed

Those the painted ones? Don’t think I want those.

no one set is black with polished lip other is silver


No thanks on those, thanks for the link tho!!

Was looking for more OEM…

What wheels are these called? I like these. Simple.


Those are Long Beaches. I’m sure there are a few sets kicking around…

Where else should I be looking other than vwvortex?

hmm if you looking for audi wheels try audizine maybe. I will ask around to see if anyone else is selling oem wheels to.

Well, looking for VW wheels, or if there is some sort of adapter available I’d take Adui wheels.

I heard of a local VW group/forum. I don’t know much other then it’s like vwaudiLOL.com or something nerdy like that. Have you been on there?


not sure if it matters to you or not but long beaches are pretty heavy arent they?

have always loved the wheels you posted… they look awesome on jettas

u have another VW?!?!?!?!

Yea, TDI.

Not sure on weight of long beaches.

who cares as long as it looks good!

http://albany.craigslist.org/pts/2223637647.html Mesh always looks good on VWs, and it isn’t some crazy offset or anything so it’ll look fairly OEM. :shrug: There isn’t dick on CL though.

Yea, aint shit on CL! Sketch actually sent me that link.